Friday, September 7, 2007

Eugh. Starbucks Friday started out so good. Nothing like a Venti Skim (with Whip) White Chocolate Mocha to make my day. And then I had to venture off to look at my friend's wedding pictures. Now I keep giving my delectable drink a sideways glance. How many calories are left in that half glass? I hate the pictures. I hated the dress! (Katie, I hope you aren't reading this). Ok, the dress was beautiful. But not for a woman with a body like myself. Strapless dresses weren't made for short busty girls. 'Nuff said. I do have to say - I only get the White Chocolate Mocha skim so I don't need a spoon to finish it off. I try and convince myself that I am above this calorie-counting weight-watching world that we live in, but I refuse to have my own wedding pictures look like these ones. Good thing Bill is cute (and hates pictures)! Give me 2 or 3 good ones and I'll be happy. I don't need 800 to look through. This rant is going in a direction I don't want to take it. I could go on and on about weddings.

Instead, I will leave you with a picture that makes me smile every time I see it. This is my (future) niece Allison, who is the spitting image of her uncle when he was a baby. She is just the most charming, adorable little baby. Its times like these when I get started thinking about babies that I am glad I've got the body that I do! Happy Starbucks Friday! I'm off to finish my White Chocolate Mocha.

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